More than 11 million HTTPS websites imperiled by new decryption attack

Low-cost DROWN attack decrypts data in hours, works against TLS e-mail servers, too.Source: Ars Technica - Read the full article. Read more

Posted in Web Security. Tagged as hacking, security.

The Tor network and your security.

The National Security Agency has made repeated attempts to develop attacks against people using Tor, a popular tool designed to protect online anonymity, despite the fact the software is primarily funded and promoted by the US government itself.Top-secret NSA documents, disclosed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reveal that the agency's current successes against Tor rely on identifying users and then attacking vulnerable software on their computers. One technique developed by the agency targeted the Firefox web browser used with Tor, giving the agency full control over targets' computers, including access to files, all keystrokes and all online activity.But the documents suggest that the fundamental security of the Tor service remains intact. One top-secret presentation, titled 'Tor Stinks', states: "We will never be able to de-anonymize all Tor users all the time." It continues: "With manual analysis we can de-anonymize a very small fraction of Tor users," and says the agency has Read more

Posted in Online Security. Tagged as privacy, security.

Arduino TRE powered by Texas Instruments - Cant wait!

Arduino TRE, based on the Texas Instruments Sitara AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 processor is the "most powerful Arduino to date" and the first that will be able to run "full Linux."Thanks to the 1-GHz Sitara AM335x processor, Arduino developers get up to 100 times more performance with the Sitara-processor-based TRE than they do on the Arduino Leonardo or Uno. This performance opens the doors to more advanced Linux-powered applications. The Sitara-processor-based Linux Arduino can run high-performance desktop applications, processing-intensive algorithms or high-speed communications.The Arduino TRE is two Arduinos in one: the Sitara-processor-based Linux Arduino plus a full AVR-based Arduino, while leveraging the simplicity of the Arduino software experience. The integration of the AVR Arduino enables the Arduino TRE to use the existing shield ecosystem so that innovators can expand the Arduino TRE to develop a wide range of high-performance applications such as 3D printers, gateways for Read more

Posted in Electronics/Gadgets. Tagged as Electronics, Gadgets, Hardware.

Common Website Problems & Complaints - Help!

The majority of our business comes from helping clients who have - unfortunately - been shafted in one way or another by their current website provider/host.A couple of the common complaints that we encounter are the following: Their website and email constantly go offline: Anyone can throw together a website - given that there are tons of free website platforms and thousands of plugins out there - but, not everyone knows the inner workings of these platforms and plugins. So, when the wheels start falling off the website, and you're with a wannabe type provider, then you're probably in for a world of pain. Also, I think, sometimes providers/hosts really just don't care about their clients.

The website keeps on getting hacked: This follows the first point - being with a provider that doesn't know what they are doing means that you're probably going to get hacked at some point or another. A website has to be constantly hardened to make sure that it's protected against Read more

Posted in Choosing a Website Developer, Web Security. Tagged as Reliable Website Provider, Website Help, Website Problems.

Choosing a Website Developer (Part 2) - Website Security is VERY important.

When choosing a website developer, there are a lot more things one should take into account these days, besides price. The good-old-days are unfortunately gone, so having mom or pops develop your website, or your best friend's cousin's brother just isn't going to cut it. Having it developed offshore, in for example India or the Philippines, or by a newbie developer just out of school, probably isn't a good idea either.

In the following scenario, one that we see way too often, I'll explain why.

Client: I had the development of our website contracted out to X - it is incredibly slow and keeps on popping up errors. The developers are in country X and I really don't want to deal with them anymore.

The Problem There are most likely 2 problems with this website:

Hosting: so you're paying $5 a month hosting and are wondering why the website is slow. Sadly, you get what you pay for. $5 hosts end up piling thousands of websites onto any Read more

Posted in Choosing a Website Developer, Managed Platform, Web Security. Tagged as CMS, Fix Hacked Website, Web Development, Website Support.

Choosing a Website Developer (Part 1) - Cheap equals Trouble.

When choosing a website developer, going the cheap route - or basing your decision mainly on cost - will generally result in you ending up in hot water, one way or another. Unfortunately cheap is, well, cheap - whether that means outsourcing development to India or the Philippines, or choosing a local web developer that offers you the world for nothing - the age old saying applies "if it's too good to be true, it is."

In our first two scenarios, ones that we hear from a LOT of people, we will be talking about selecting a reliable developer and web platform.

Client #1: My previous developer built X % of the project, has taken our money, and now we can't get hold of him. A lot of what was built doesn't work properly.
The Problem These developers offer dirt cheap prices in order to secure the project and they generally throw you onto a freeware platform, such as wordpress, joomla or drupal. They then throw a lot of free modules at it, so that it looks Read more

Posted in Choosing a Website Developer.

A Big Misconception: Hosting Control Panel vs Managed Platform

We hear this a lot: "I've been told that Cpanel is the best, so we're probably going with that - it's only $5 per month and we get lots of bandwidth." At that point we sit back, chuckle, sigh and do the "eye roll". Yes it may be a great tool, and it is, if one is a developer and one needs a control panel that can configure every aspect of a hosting environment.


For most people though, it or any other type of hosting control panel is not what they think it is and unless they know what they are doing, they should stay far away from it. It isn't a CMS or a managed platform, it's simply a control panel for a hosting environment. Take this analogy: think of hosting as a big empty room, a hosting control panel, such as Cpanel, is like a control panel for that room, it allows you to turn the lights on and off, turn the power outlets on and off, control the heating, set the alarm etc.

Software, Addons, Updates

Fantastic - now what, the room Read more

Posted in Choosing a Website Developer, Managed Platform. Tagged as Website Security, Website Support.

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is the most common topic that comes up with my small business clients. Their biggest concern is learning how to make money with the website they have. This isn't unusual. Big businesses wonder the same thing.

The tactics used to monetize a small business website versus a big business website comes down to money. Big business has much more of it than small businesses. As in most things, the solutions lie in a trade-off between time and money. Since small businesses can't compete on money, they need to put in much more time in marketing their site through a variety of other methods. Unfortunately, time is a precious commodity to entrepreneurs struggling to be successful.

For small business owners, a better approach to Internet Marketing is no different than those used to build their business offline through relationship networking with referral sources and customers. One way to do this is through email marketing to an existing list. Email is Read more

Posted in Internet Marketing.

5 Reasons To Effectively Use Digital Marketing

The Naming Czars who have given us Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, Online Marketing have now given us Digital Marketing; another term to describe the same activities. Well, not really. Digital marketing includes all electronic based marketing and sales efforts; including marketing messages designed to be seen on mobile devices.We've put together 5 Reasons Why You Need to Understand and Implement Digital Marketing, to help clarify the importance of using Digital Marketing effectively.Reason 1 -CostDigital Marketing is cheaper on an impression basis than any other marketing method available. The lower cost of promotion/lead generation, provides higher margins of profit which can decide the difference between success and failure for a small business owner.

Think about it this way: if Firm A is generating sales on a 20% lower cost basis than Firm B, then Firm A will be able to drive Firm B out of business by offering lower pricing and still retain profitability. Firm B won Read more

Posted in Internet Marketing.